Stay at home Drawing from March, 2020 Staying at home in voluntary quarantine is an effort to protect not only yourself, but especially to the most exposed people to COVID-19. If you have the privilege to stay at home and work from there, please do it. Check more comics and info related to Coronavirus here. […]
Tag: comic
(post)PhD life
(Post)PhD life During my PhD studies in marine microbiology, I faced several challenges and issues to solve. So, I started to draw my daily life working within Vibrio, phages, my fears and happiness. After I finished my thesis, I’m still dealing with the impostor syndrome and looking for a PostDoc… so I continue with my […]
Microworld How is our microbial world? This is so little tiny place full of diverse microorganisms. In the post bellow you can find descriptions as comics of the micro-inhabitants of our world. Mundo Microbiano #1 Mundo Microbiano #1 Dibujos del 2019-20 Qué son los microbios? Quienes los componen? Esta y otras informaciones en los cómics… […]
CoronaComic The 2020 has been a… remarkable year. Besides the whole socio-political movements, the virus SARS-COV-2 -causing of COVID-19 disease- spreads as the current pandemic. Scientists from all around the world are doing huge efforts to understand the development and control this epidemics. Furthermore, the necessity to share this information to the whole community is […]
Mic Robio
Mic Robio Mic Robio is a little bacterium, who enjoys to travel and to have adventures with their new micro-friends! The aim of this project is to give a first approach about the microbial diversity to non-specialized readers, including young audience. Focused as a coloring book, the first appearance of Mic Robio was a small coloring […]