Mic Robio
Mic Robio is a little bacterium, who enjoys to travel and to have adventures with their new micro-friends!
The aim of this project is to give a first approach about the microbial diversity to non-specialized readers, including young audience.
Focused as a coloring book, the first appearance of Mic Robio was a small coloring book as Zine format. Currently I am working on a longer format focused in the marine environments. This project is made in collaboration within colleagues in Chile and Germany.
Check more info about this project bellow <3
Lab Journal #1: How Mic Robio started
Lab Journal #1 How Mic Robio started A lab Journal is a written record of your lab work, so then...
Continue reading!Lab Journal #2: Mic Robio Tender, the transfer to a fresher idea
Lab Journal #2 Mic Robio Tender, a fresh transfer on a bigger idea Drawing from 2016 A lab Journal is...
Continue reading!The first story of Mic Robio
The first story of Mic Robio Drawing from 2015-2018 Here you can read and download (printable format) the first story...
Continue reading!