Inspiring womxn
People that can inspire you are everywhere, not only inside the academia. Here you can find awesome womxn that inspire me. Their stories are powerful and I wanna draw all of them! But I select some of them to draw during the girltober challenge in 2018.
For now, I wont draw family or close friends, because I love and admire each one of them and I never would finish hihihi! But in this case I’m drawing womxn I meet or read about, who are related to Chile.

Violeta Parra
Violeta Parra was a musician, painter, embroiderer and ceramist. She's considered one of the most important folklorists in South America. As communicator of popular music, she recovered and collected traditional popular music (from rural areas and fields) to rescue the folklore manifestations of Chile and Latin America.

Iris Veliz
Iris Veliz Hume was the first professional nurse in the North of Chile (1953). Pioneer in pediatrics in Arica, where she implemented new approaches applied in nursery during the malaria outbreak, as well as participated on the creation of the first pediatric service in the city.

Sol Serrano
Sol Serrano is a researcher, academic, and she is the first women to win the Chilean National History Award. She has stood out for her contribution in research areas such as the chilean state formation and history studies of the education in Chile.

Women in videogames
Women are fighting for spaces and equality in different areas, including videogames. #Mujeresenvg is a chilean organization, integrated by @Camivilches y @SailorJavi, and more. The goal of them is make women visible in the videogames industry

Sofia Valenzuela
Currently Chile has a crisis in science research. Apart of increase of resources, we also need integration of new views to develop better science. These views includes women, as Dr. Sofia Valenzuela. Besides her research in the academia, she is part of chilean organizations to promote gender equality in STEM

Natalia Valdebenito
Natalia Valdebenito is an actress, stand up comedian, radio announcer, part of the supporting committee of women leaders of America, controversial with her opinion and most important: Feminist

Elena Caffarena
For many people, Elena Caffarena (1903-2003) is considered the mother of Chilean feminist movement, she was one of the first women lawyers in the country, and actively participated on the fights for rights for workers and gender equally

Cristina Dorador
Dr. Cristina Dorador is expert in microbial ecology and focus her research in the microbial communities present in the chilean Altiplano and Atacama desert. She also participates in other organizations to promote gender equality, science communication, improve science in Chile and is ISME young Ambassador.

Eloisa Díaz
Eloisa Díaz was the first woman to get the medicine degree in Chile and South America in 1887

The last years' had been important for the Chilean feminist movement. I admire all these women who fights for the rights of everyone to have a safer life and equal opportunity

Ana Gonzalez
The chilean dictatorship hurt us and we carry these wounds every day. Does not many the time, many griefs never find answer and we should not forget. In 1976, her sons Luis Emilio y Manuel, her -pregnant- daughter in law Nalvia and afterwards her husband Manuel Recabarren disappeared after be detained by DINA (secret police of Pinochet's dictatorship). Since then, Ana Gonzalez fought her whole life to find the truth, she passed away without knowing the location of her beloved ones... She represents a chilean symbol of Human Rights and also she is one of the most important activists in the country.

Sylvia Soublette
Sylvia Soublette is music composer, singer, instrumentalist, choral director, cultural manager and also pedagogue! She looks for improvement and new spaces for music, she influenced to the musical formation of important chilean musicians

Gabriela Mistral
Gabriela Mistral (Lucila Godoy de Alcayaga) was a poet, schoolteacher, rural, lesbian, and the first Latin American author to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature (1945)

Irma Vila
Research in the Atacama desert is a big challenge, and to be a woman increase the difficulty. Irma Vila is a pioneer scientist in Chile, who focus to increase the knowledge about fresh water fish and other species from Altiplano.

Sol Abarca
To live away from your homecountry, can give you lot of struggles to get current -and reliable- news and information. Then, I found a chilean online radio to hear awesome people as Sol Abarca, who is always getting new information and questioning it under different point of view. Thanks for it, now I do not feel "so far away"

Viviana Ávila
The language creates realities, which can overlooked people as well as integrate everyone... and depends how we use our words. Thus, we must question and think about. I admire a lot Viviana Ávila, a chilean feminist who writes about the machismo and gender neutral language.

Gimena Cancino
Gimena Cancino is an actress from the Theater company "Pedro de la Barra" in #Antofagasta, Chile. 🎭 The first time I went to see one of their theater plays, she was part of the crew and I feel honored I worked with her some years afterwards... I couldn't decide and I painted two portraits hihihi. Thanks to support and believe on me, I admire you so much!

Indigenous womxn
"We are not chileans, they killed us... they still... but many of us are still here, figthing and resisting..." In this girltober, I really need to mention to indigenous women and the indigenous communities in Latinoamerica/Abya Yala. Let's rise against the discrimination, murder and invisivilization against our roots and own identity...