

The 2020 has been a… remarkable year. Besides the whole socio-political movements, the virus SARS-COV-2 -causing of COVID-19 disease- spreads as the current pandemic. Scientists from all around the world are doing huge efforts to understand the development and control this epidemics. Furthermore, the necessity to share this information to the whole community is urgent.

Therefore, my little part to help is to made comics about the general information of this epidemics and how to prevent the infection of COVID-19. Check here bellow for comics, related information and important links to scicommers and reliable institutions.

No Coronaexcuses!

No Coronaexcuses! Drawing from March, 2020 From Coronavirus and its friends! 🦠 Instead to discriminate against others, better to wash your...

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Stay at home

Stay at home Drawing from March, 2020 Staying at home in voluntary quarantine is an effort to protect not only...

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Coronavirus Zine

Coronavirus Zine Drawing from April, 2020 What’s SARS-COV-2? Isn’t the same as COVID-19? Where is it? What are the symptoms?🤔❓...

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