Hi! Thanks for coming,
Currently Ale is succesfully recovering from an accident and reorganizing Microbiale as a whole.
Therefore, this page is in stand-by until we can share more information with you.
But you can check more updates on Ale’s instagram, twitter and facebook page
Also, you can also check their past personal projects and collaborations.
You can also contact them in our contact form
Hope you enjoy this page!

- General Info
- Projects
- Let's keep the contact!
Let's spread science!
If you are in this site is because you are interested
in science and microbiology, or you like comic… or both! even better!
One of the different ways to communicate science
is through illustrations and comics, what is Ale’s focus.
Check about Microbiale and know more about Ale, the creator of this site.
You can also check news and interviews
about Ale and her related projects (Spanish, German and English).
If you wanna collaborate for a project, or have an specific scicomm service,
check the information for commissions and other services.
If you want to support Ale to create new illustrations and comics
about diversity in science and in microbiology, you can donate her a Ko-fi.
Remember to follow Ale in the social media and share their work!

Cartoon projects*

Let's keep the contact!
Do you have an idea you want I draw?
Or do you wanna spread your research in a comic or video? Or do you need support in your graphical abstract figure for your paper? Another idea or comment?
You can write me by the contact form or e-mail.
If you have doubts, you can check the info for commissions and scicomm services, or contact me through the social network.

Last updates:
Tara in Chile
Tara in Chile Drawing from 2021 The Tara Ocean Foundation...
Read MoreI wanna know too! Conversations about knowledge and its access
I wanna know, too! Conversations about knowledge and its access...
Read MoreComic: The North Sea Goes Viral
Comic: The North Sea Goes Viral Drawing from 2019 After...
Read MoreWorld Wetlands day
World Wetlands day Drawing from 2017 Today, February 2nd is...
Read MoreOctober-November (11/17/2020)
- I continue with lot of collabs in Spanish, with Podcast and fundings! You can check them in news.
- New entries:
- (Post)PhD life. After a year of my PhD defense and the start of the social movement in Chile, I did a comic about this feeling of change.
- Microbial Concepts. With the Chilean Network of Microbial Ecology, we did a map with microbial species firtsly identified in chilean territory.
- Check here for the last and newest entries in the website.
All the opinions and perspectives of this website is a personal view and don’t represent the view of any group nor institution.